Jonathan Bhatia is a Yamaha Performing Artist, the Lecturer of Trumpet at the University of Nevada, Reno Department of Music, and the Second Trumpet of the Reno Philharmonic Orchestra. Jonathan has performed in various venues and competitions across the globe. He was a prizewinner at the International Prize Competition in Tuscany, Italy, a featured artist at the 2017 International Trumpet Guild Conference in Hershey, PA and a contributing artist at the 2017 International Horn Symposium in Natal, Brazil. Jonathan is also a three time winner of the Stanley Wilson Award, and the only two time winner of the Fred Ohlendorf Award for outstanding musicianship.
As a founding member of the Alias Brass Company, an internationally recognized brass chamber ensemble, Jonathan can be found making numerous performance and masterclass appearances across the globe. During their 2017-2018 season the Alias Brass Company completed a six week, twenty-nine performance, Allied Concert Services tour, and performed internationally in Alberta, CA and Natal, Brazil. As part of their educational mission, the Alias Brass Company regularly presents masterclasses and educational seminars for audiences of all ages in order to promote the instrumental art form and inspire creativity in the next generation of musicians and music appreciators.
In addition to his chamber experience with the Alias Brass Company, Jonathan has recently performed with the Houston Symphony Orchestra, Classical Tahoe Orchestra, Reno Philharmonic Orchestra, Modern Brass Quintet, Great Basin Brass Quintet, Brazos Valley Symphony, Symphony of Southeast Texas, Columbus Symphony Orchestra, Columbus Ballet, Southeast Symphony, and the All-Star Brass. He has also held positions with the Young Musicians Foundation Debut Orchestra, as their tenured Principal Trumpet, the American Youth Symphony, as their second trumpet, and was fortunate enough to play alongside Icelandic composer Johann Johannsson in a live performance of “The Miners’ Hymn”, which was featured in the Los Angeles Times’ List of The Best 25 Classical Moments of 2014. As a recording artist, Jonathan has been featured on National Public Radio, can be heard playing on various films and albums including the animated feature film Duck Duck Goose, Jens Lindemann's album 'Northern Lights' and various recorded performances his YouTube channel he shares with hornist Natalie Brooke Higgins, the BrassHaus Network.
Jonathan’s flair for trumpet solo performance has earned him numerous appearances with ensembles of varying size and scope. Jonathan was featured as a soloist with the University of California, Los Angeles’ Philharmonia, the Debut Orchestra for their 60th Gala Celebration, and performed the national anthem with Jens Lindemann at Pauley Pavilion for a sold out crowd of over 12,000 people.

As a college professor, Jonathan educates both undergraduate and graduate level music performance and music education majors students through applied lessons, studio classes, and chamber music ensembles. Prior to his appointment at the University of Nevada, Reno, Jonathan held various titles at Lamar University, in which he increased the size of the Lamar University Trumpet Studio from nine students to a peak of twenty-three students, and provided them with numerous performance opportunities, including an appearance at the 2018 International Trumpet Guild Conference in San Antonio, TX.
Jonathan Bhatia holds two degrees from the University of California, Los Angeles, where he studied with Jens Lindemann and Tom Hooten. Additional mentors include Mark Hughes, Rob Roy McGregor, and Darren Mulder.
Teaching Philosophy
Private Lessons
Learning Beyond the Lesson
The reality of learning and refining the trumpet is that the majority of the improvement must occur beyond the environment of the lesson. The weekly time that the instructor and student spend together will only be the beginning of what is needed in order to practice and perform successfully.
Through intense study, focus in lessons will be given on establishing and developing positive and natural habits that will lead to exemplary trumpet techniques in sound production, endurance, multiple tonguing and range. Students will also learn how to combat performance anxiety through gaining a complete understanding of how the body works and operates while performing, and under pressure. These sessions will include not only detailed instruction, but analysis on the student’s part as to how they can best take the topics introduced, and run with them on their own. The end of lessons will include a summary session where the student, to the best of their ability, draws their own conclusions regarding the material, and the instructor clarifies as need be. This is to ensure that the student begins to grasp what is happening physically and neurologically in their own playing, not just through the eyes of the instructor.
Upon the introduction of more advanced elements, students will be strongly encouraged to brainstorm efficient and creative practice techniques that will ensure a high level of progress in a short amount of time. Students will be taught to isolate and deconstruct their music so they are concentrating on materials at an extreme level of detail. This detail will then be applied every time the students picks up their horn, whether it be in a practice, solo, or ensemble setting.

As a result, through instruction, students will emerge not only as top notch performers, but as innovative teachers. The goal being for students to acquire the ability to take an active role beyond their lessons, through learning how to teach themselves.

The University of Nevada, Reno offers numerous undergraduate and graduate level music degrees including a Bachelor of Arts, Master of Music, and Doctorate of Musical Arts.
Click here for more information on the University of Nevada, Reno Department of Music.